Thursday, March 15

Spring Time is Here

Hey, next week is Spring Break!!! I am glad for the break from the regular, but I am going to spend most of my time in the library working on a 15 page paper for my politics class. I am to research the 1928 election and write 15 pages about it. I have to have 20 sources and some articles only count as half a source. YIKES! I really want to use my break to get this thing kicked out and then not have to worry about it ever again. This is contrary to my usual procrastinative pattern. I guess I realize that 15 pages is not a last minute paper you can write at 3am the night before it's due.

Well, in other news... I went the SGA hearing for Student Fees budget in reguards to Shift Space last Thursday. Monday morning we found out that they allocated ZERO funds to Shift Space. That day we had a meeting with SGA President for immediate funds for renovations. We asked for 3-5000 and he thinks he might be able to get us 2000. We hope so. This will pay for sheet rock and track lighting which students will install. And since the Student Fees didn't give us any money we were able to appeal the decision Wednesday night (last night). This time we wanted to show them how much the students wanted this and got over 50 students to attend the meeting (the most they've seen there) and whipped up a petition in one day of 468 signatures. Going to the meeting was exciting for me since I have put some energy coordinating people to get this money and was denied, it propelled me even more. Talking to some of the students, they felt that it was unfair that all the sports teams have substancial support from SGA financially and they gave us ZIP. I feel that art is our sport. We practice, we perform, we have an audience, we compete (for shows, for recognition), but we don't charge people to see our work like the traditional sports teams do. But the Dean of the School of Fine Arts came to the meeting in our defense and expressed that Shift Space fulfilled in a strong way the university's goal to connect to the community being a urban school. He also urged SGA to support Shift Space as well. We'll see what they say.

I have sent 9 photographs to a contest on campus which may be displayed and may even win money. I'll let you know what happens with that.

I love all of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - spring break already huh? Seems like school just started for you.

Well - have fun with your political paper then. 15 pages - that is quite a paper.