Saturday, March 31

Planet Earth & Questions & Sasha

Planet Earth
I have to share with you something awesome. I am in awe of God's wonder.
I just got done watching a documentary done by the discovery channel on the planet Earth. I was dumbfounded by the total beauty and by the way that everything is connected and works together. They had powerful footage aided by the wonders of modern technology that enabled us to see our Earth in ways humans have never seen it before. They had a high speed camera that caught ever detail of a shark capturing a seal. They had an underwater camera that enabled us to watch elephants play and swim under water. They had a satellite camera that viewed the planes of Botswana as we watched the herds of animals migrate as a group across the Continent. It was breathtaking. Over and over again this documentary displayed the beauty of this world we live in. And over and over again I was struck by God's awesomeness. There really are not words to describe how big and powerful and how EVERYTHING He is. 20 minutes into the show I wanted to fall on my face and worship how great He is. Over and over I kept saying "Amen God you are so cool." I was so blessed by this documentary that I just had to share it with you guys.
The show talked about how rain 1000 miles away will mean flooding in the plains of Africa 5 months after it had fallen. The whole world is a balance that is taken care of by the Almighty. That reminded me of the verses in scripture that talk about how he takes care of the birds of the air and the flowers of the fields, how much more will he take care of us. Some times we have such small minds. Then a show like this reminds me of how really big He is and I am reminded of how He really cares for me.
I am also blessed by the thought that even the rocks and the trees will cry out to worship Him. And now in our modern day, even cable TV will have to cry out in worship to the creator (even if they didn't mean to). God is so sovereign that nothing is out of His reach, not even cable TV. He chose to use it to proclaim His majesty. He is the God of Gods. There is none like Him. Amen. Hallelujah. I have been blessed!

OK, on a totally different note I have a couple of questions that I was hoping you all could help with.
-I cant remember the ending to the song "I'm bringin' home a baby bumble bee." Can anyone help me out?
-Mom- I am doing a sewing project and I bought some fabric. Flannel, cotton, and seersucker (sp?). Usually I am so impatient that I sew first and wash later. But I know that I will get better results if i wash first. So I did. But when I took it out of the washer it was a mess of fray and strings all tangled up together. Is that normal? or did I do something wrong?

This has been a big week for Sasha, it seams like she learned several new tricks all at once.
This morning when I went into her room she was standing up in her crib holding onto the rail. This was the first time she pulled up to stand. Not only that but she can walk along stuff now too (cruz sp?).
Also this week she learned how to wave bye bye. Not all the time but she does it sometimes.
But most exciting is that we are seeing more obedience in her then I expected. If she starts to get into something that she is not supposed to we can say "Sasha NO." and she will turn around and crawl away from it. She does try again a few minutes later, but we say no again and she obeyes again. I am so blessed with such a good baby.

Tonight Sasha gets to meet some of her family that she has never seen before. Nick's Aunts and Uncles are coming from Idaho and Minnisota today. Next weekend we are having the funeral for Nicks last grandparent, Terry's dad. It's a sad time but its good for Sasha to know her family, even if they are not blood related.
Its good to have family connections, right? Just like what we are doing right now. Love you guys and girls. :)


Unknown said...


I was going to just type out the words to the song, but thought I'd save my hands and copy the text from lyrics I found online. I found three versions, here they are:

I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,
(Cup hands together as if holding bee)

I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee,
Ouch! It stung me!
(Shake hands as if just stung)

I'm squishing up the baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,
('Squish' bee between palms of hands)

I'm squishing up a baby bumblebee,
Ooh! It's yucky!
(Open up hands to look at 'mess')

I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,
(Wipe hands off on shirt)

I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee,
Now my mommy won't be mad at me!
(Hold hands up to show they are clean)

Oh, I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee
Won't my mommy be so proud of me
'Cause I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee --
Buzzy, buzzy, buzzy --
(spoken): OOOOH, it bit me!

Oh, I'm bringing home a baby rattlesnake
Won't my mommy shiver and shake
'Cause I'm bringing home a baby rattlesnake --
Rattle, rattle, rattle --
(spoken): OOOOH, it bit me!

Oh, I'm bringing home a baby turtle
Won't my mommy really pop her girdle
'Cause I'm bringing home a baby turtle
Snappy, snappy, snappy --
(spoken): OOOOH, it bit me!

Oh, I'm bringing home a baby dinosaur
Won't my mommy fall right through the floor
'Cause I'm bringing home a baby dinosaur --
Gobble, gobble, gobble --
(spoken): OOOOH, it ate me!

I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee
Won't my Mommy be surprised at me
(Cup hands together as if holding bee)

I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee
Ouch, he stung me
(Shake hands as if just stung)

I'm squishing up a baby bumblebee
Won't my Mommy be surprised at me
('Squish' bee between palms of hands)

I'm squishing up a baby bumblebee
Squish, squish, squish
('Squish' bee between palms of hands)

I'm licking up a baby bumblebee
Won't my Mommy be surprised at me
(Pretend to lick bee off hands)

I'm licking up a baby bumblebee
Slurp, slurp, slurp
(Make slurping sounds)

I'm throwing up a baby bumblebee
Won't my Mommy be surprised at me
(Stick tongue out and look 'sick')

I'm throwing up a baby bumblebee
Blech, blech, blech
(Make awful face)

I'm sweeping up a baby bumblebee
Won't my Mommy be surprised at me
('Sweep' bee up with one hand into the other)

I'm sweeping up a baby bumblebee
Swish, swish, swish
('Sweep' bee up with one hand into the other)

pedalpusher said...

Shawn, What a difference perspective makes. We should frequently step back and see the world from a difference vantage point. Baby steps are just a marvelous as storms and floods.

JILL said...

Cottons are notorious for all of that fraying mess. Just trim and press your fabric. Hope that does it. What are you making?

Angie Washington said...

My condolences for Nick during his time of loss.

Thanks for sharing Shawn.

Those are some fun variation of the bumblebee song. :-)