Friday, March 16

Connection Culprit, Case # 42

In this communication age we have various connection culprits at large. Some of the guilty parties are: telephones, cell phones, beepers, pagers, email, snail mail, CBs, walkie-talkies, and the infamous internet. Decent citizens beware for there is another one on the loose. I reveal to you the web cam. More lethal than you may expect. Not only does it broadcast a moving image to wherever nice quiet on line computers may be found but (brace yourselves) it's stealth like microphone and USB port act together transforming it to a sound device as well. You heard right, it's the sci-fi prophesied video phone. And that is not the worst of it folks; this inconspicuous little imp commits his crimes for free! But he seems to only attack those that have Instant Messenger through Yahoo. Make necessary provisions now my friends: man, woman, child, and infant. No person is safe. You might just be abducted, I mean connected, today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ang, that is hillarious!!! I love it! I feel left behind in that dark ages already! lol