Sunday, March 18

sidewalk chalk

Sasha and i spent some time outside on our back patio today. the patio next to us was occupied by four little blond girls coloring zealously with sidewalk chalk in big beautiful patterns. i introduced myself and they explained the urgent situation to me. it went something like this:
there is a terrible witch out there and she likes to eat children. BUT she hates color, so we have to cover the entrance to our house with lots of different colors. that will protect us. since you have a baby do you want us to color your patio too? you don't want the witch to eat your baby do you?
me- no i do not. thank you very much for your help girls, i appreciate it.
moments later i hear shrieking,
THE WITCH! THE WITCH! SHE'S COMING! Quick everybody start dancing on the pictures. that will save us! Dance come on dance more!!
It made me laugh so hard to see those girls playing. and i remember the feeling of freedom and imagination that come with spontaneous games like that. i felt young all over again. and i am so excited for when Sasha comes to that stage. But the excitement was not over yet....
the youngest one of them all came walking up to the rest and said,
"look! i got the witch, she's right here. i captured her." then she turned to the invisible thing in her hand. "now witch you have been very noddy. it is time for bed. then maybe you can wake up and be nice to everybody, OK."
what a totally sweet ending to a precious afternoon of play.

Sasha is doing well. she loves to clap, she does it all the time. and she loves to walk around when her hands are held. she even stands independently for a few seconds at a time. today she ate her first real food. bananas. she loved them and did great with it. she also eats crackers and of course still baby food.
We plan on going to the zoo on Tuesday afternoon. it will be Sasha's first trip. i am really looking forward to it.
Nick and i are doing good. but the computer is still under construction. so i dont know when i will be back on again.
Angie-i got the update on Shirely, but it was all in spanish so i forwarded it to you, would you mind translating for me?


Anonymous said...

Thats a funny thing! How would they paint your house for real!

:-) That is funny.

Angie said...

Shawn, what a fun story!

By the way - I thind you are still young. (wink)