Monday, March 26

just an epdate

Just thought that i would fill you all in on whats been up with us lately.
Sasha had RSV, but is much better now. She recovered much faster then expected-thank goodness for prayer. God is good.
This week i got a promotion at work. and that also means a raise. i am looking forward to the new challenge and more responsibility. i start working in there this week. it is the Toddler 2 room. lots more kids. and they run a pre-preschool program. its very good.
Last night (Sunday Night) we had some friends over for a grill out. it was a lot of fun. so good to hang out with Friends and play games. i learned a new card game called 66. it is very challenging. its in the Hoyle book for those of you who have it. lots of strategy involved.
That's about it for us.
i look forward to hearing about whats new with everyone else.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

congratulations on the promotion! very happy for you! and happy to hear Sasha is better. Sounds like a fun grill out, you guys are good at those. It's funny you mention the Hoyle book because we had to get that out because no one around here knew what knocking in gin was and thought I was cheating, Dad knew to get the Hoyle but by then we had quit playing. Anyway. Good to see you back on-line.