Friday, February 23

My busiest week this year.

This week is really stressing me out as to all I have to do that I actually started scribbling out entire days in my calender after they were over so I didn't have to look at all the "to do" items on them. Well, it's coming to an end and getting better because of hard work earlier in the week. So I think I'll summarize my week here with highlights.

It started last weekend when I "did the women's fair." What does that mean? Well, a few jewelers from my "upline" rented a booth at Wichita's women's fair so that we could come and show our product and get bookings for jewelry parties. I spent a few hours there and got 4 bookings!! And a one-on-one (a lady who wants to hear more about doing the business herself, who I would sponsor and receive commissions from). One of the parties will be in Marion KS about an hour from here and she wants to have two hours of open house style which she will put in the paper and then have a mother-daugher party. I think this is great since I have to drive an hour, the more opportunities for people to come the better it is for my profits.

This week I am also getting ready for Portfolio Scholarship Review. In the past I have received the highest amount of $900/yr. This time they are giving 6 $4500 scholarships and 24 $1800 ones. But they are making us jump through more hoops. We just became aware of our February 23rd deadline for applications two weeks ago along with regulations as to how to hang our work which they changed three times since. Now it stands that we have to paint the wall space Monday and hang our work Tuesday. I won't get into all the problems I see with students painting the walls, but I don't like it. I am excited though and hope for some good money.

Also, I am leading a new committee for Shift Space. What's that? A downtown gallery for WSU arts students, ran by WSU art students. Previously the city was letting us use vacant buildings (Wichita has a lot of them). Now we are going to rent one space and renovate it ourselves and there will be a new class offered on how to run a gallery held there too. I am in charge of the committee to get funds from SGA and Student Fees. We have a couple deadlines approaching and our committee had our first meeting last night, ran by yours truly and it went smooth and quick :) However, I felt like the underdog being that I was delagating to Grad students and Seniors. But they all had specific things to offer and took on tasks they were qualified for and enjoyed. I am excited to be involved and I can put it on my resume.

Between all that and friends visiting Monday afternoon, a Premier Designs training meeting Monday evening, two tests to prepare for by Tuesday, taking Kent to workout at YMCA, calling all my new jewelry party hostesses, preparing artwork for review (Thanks for your help Dad), and regular school and home responsibilities I am happy that through it all we got a warm up in weather (70ยบ today).

I know this is longer than needed probably, but it summarizes a lot of my life that extends beyond just this week, maybe serve as a basis for future blogs. Also, I hope everyone gets on this bandwagon because the site looks great and Ang and I both were hoping for something to know what's going on in the fam's life on the day-to-day so that when we do get to see eachother we can start where the blog left off, comment on things we read about, and not miss out on special details that we might forget in the moment. I would also like to eventually have an extended family one or each aunt/uncle clan have one to check in on. Maybe it will be catching... at least we're ahead of the curve :) unless they have one they're keeping secret ;)

I love you all and miss you all. I feel bad when I get so busy and realize later that I haven't called/talked to/e-mailed/blogged/whatever to you guys and hope you always know I love you. And I ask you as Ang did: BLOG, please. It's not that hard.



Oh, I better include some pics. So hear is Ali as she hides and I seek. She cheats now too. She peeks or tells me where to hide or tells me where she is going to hide next time (usually where I was just hiding because it was such a good spot).


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a busy week. Do you like that feeling of accomplishment though?

Did you upload the pictures from your computer? I can only see a red x, and then when I click on it the page it links to is blank except for a red x and some numbers. I will try to refresh the page to see if that works so I can see my Piolin.

Anonymous said...

I think the pictures of Allison are cute!