Saturday, May 24

Sweet Spring

It is 67º and very muggy which makes it feel even warmer. Allison has set up house out on the porch. First she played bubbles, then asked for socks because her feet were cold, then asked for a blanket and pillow, then a snack and drink which you see on the ground, then her book. She has been out there for a few hours with short breaks to help me with laundry. I can hear her read. Sometimes she is just quiet and thinking, then comes a question from outside to in. I answer then she's quiet again. She also has a child-size rocker out there which she switches to and rocks and rocks. It's her own little haven, like a tree house might function. She is also watching people in the pool even though it is cool and cloudy. It just opened yesterday and you know how kids can be about that.


Angie Washington said...

This is such a sweet post Mama Em'. It reminds me of one of my favorite books "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn".

Enjoy your Spring! xoxo

JILL said...

SOOO cute! and totally Allison. I am envious of her time there.