Sunday, May 11

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

In Bolivia there are two trees that will always be seen growing together. They depend upon each other for survival. In fact, it is impossible for them to grow separate.

This is the image I have when I think of the marriage of my parents: two strong trees intertwined and growing strong depending upon one another. After 34 years they are still strong. After about a half a dozen transplants they are still flourishing. After so many creatures have found refuge in their branches they are none worse for the wear. They have weathered storms. Little birds have nested in their care, and then left them alone. Their roots of love go deep so as to be a steady constant and example to others who see them.

Thank you Mom and Dad for being a strong example of constancy and love to us your family. I pray that you have only blessings for the many more years to come. Happy Anniversary!!!


JILL said...

Thank you, my sweet Angie, for your wonderful sentiments and loving thoughts. You have become a talented writer and dependable contributer to the connection of this family we have created. You have kept us informed of each other and less seperated by the miles. Thank you, thank you.
I love you so.... Mom

Angie Washington said...

Mom - thank you for the compliments, they mean alot to me.