Saturday, July 5

Happy Birthday Dad!

Dad, I am so glad that God gave me to you. You are a great dad.

You are also a fun loving kind of guy. So I thought I might suggest a party game: a variation of 20 questions. Simply put, I ask you 20 questions and you answer them (smile).

You can answer them here in the comments, or make a whole new post with them or send them by email, or whatever. I just had some things I was curious about to get to know you better.

I love you!!!

1. What is your favorite birthday memory?
2. If you could relive one year of your life with the knowledge and experience of 'now', yet the body and opportunities of 'then', which would it be?
3. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
4. Who was your childhood hero or idol?
5. Do you have any heroes in your life now? If so who?
6. What is your dream vacation?
7. What is your dream vehicle to drive?
8. How old were you when you met mom?
9. What was your first impression of mom?
10. What was mom's first impression of you?
11. What is your favorite time of the year and why?
12. What is your favorite holiday and why?
13. If you had to choose between a career as a cyclist or a photographer and you were guaranteed success and a huge salary which would you choose?
14. What do you think people will remember you for?
15. What is your greatest vacation memory?
16. What is your greatest 'date with mom' (even if it was before she was a mom) memory?
17. Who was your first friend that you can remember?
18. If you could cure any disease which would it be?
20. What are you most proud about?


pedalpusher said...

I will have think about this. Some of the questions I'm not sure I'll answer but I'll work on most. What is the mystery question 19?
thanks, and I love you.

Angie Washington said...

Oops! I forgot number 19 :-)

Ok, so... What is your favorite ice-cream?

I love you!!!