Sunday, June 7

new baby

Five months into this pregnancy and we finally hit the big day that we get to have the ultrasound and find out the gender of our new little one. The whole Smith family (all four and a half of us) filed into this tiny dark room with the ultrasound technitian. It was wonderful to see the baby and even better was that Sasha totally got it. She completely understood that we were watching the baby inside mommys tummy.

It took a while for the baby to asume the right position, but there it was, the big reveal. I knew what it was before the technitian even said the words. ITS A GIRL!!!! Sasha took a little bit of convinsing because she totally thought the baby was going to be a boy, but I think she has accepted it now. In a few short months we will have three beautiful daughters in our care.

The most common comment that I have heard about this pregnancy is that people are predicting red hair. Wouldn't that be something?

So far Nick and I are still in discussion about names. The current top pick is Chloe Nicole. He is convinced and I like it but I just have to wait until I feel sure. I have to practice saying it out loud until it feels natural.

We are very happy and excited about this new baby. But both Nick and I are a little sad that we will never have a boy. (I am all done getting pregnant!) Oh well. We are not going to keep trying just to see if we can get a boy. Three is enough for me. All done.

They are still saying that my due date is aroung October 16 or 18. The baby is excactly 1 pound right now. She measures perfectly in every way, and they saw nothing abnormal. She should be perfectly healthy, God willing.

1 comment:

Angie Washington said...

I have been wondering how things are going with the smallest Smith. Thanks for filling us in! It is so cool that Sasha was able to be there for the ultrasound. Wow. And she's going to be wonderful no matter what. :-)