Monday, November 10


Pray with me that the packages I put in the mail today make it to your hands in a timely manner and undamaged. It is a surprise! I am so excited about it. If you guess it I will tell you that you are right and feel very proud that I have such smart family members. But, I really doubt that you are going to be able to guess it; even with the following picture clue.

Guesses anyone?

P.S. Click this sentence if you want to see an online album of 56 photos of our family vacation to Santa Cruz. It was so much fun!


JILL said...

Hmmmm...I think that we need another clue or two...Looks like whatever it is is wrapped in tissue paper and tied with yarn. Must be packaged differently for the mail, for sure. each could be large or small, no reference point in the photo to tell the size. My guess, since they are coming on the tails of your vacation, it is a souvenier of some kind...but still no solid guess. You are tricky.
Another clue....... please

Anonymous said...

Tissue paper wrapping - correct.

Packaged differently for the mail - correct.

I will let you stew about this one for a tad bit yet before I post another clue.

I am tricky - aren't I! :-)